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Healthy Doesn't Have To Be Confusing

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Healthy food, Happy body, Optimal health

Food can provide the body with nutrients, giving the body energy, helping it grow and repair itself. There are very nutritious foods that have vitamins and minerals the body can benefit from. These foods are usually unprocessed like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and unprocessed meats (not salted, cured, or with added preservatives). These are the foods that will aid in keeping hunger away as well.

There are foods that seem to make people hungrier or thirstier. These foods are low in nutritional value. Think fast food, processed food, and foods high in fat. Just the thought of my favorite dishes can trigger the salvation response. Isn't it fascinating what humans can do with food? Some foods have additives that cause people to crave them causing us to eat more than needed. We also eat for more reasons than just nutrition. Taste, availability, smell, textures, cravings, dopamine reward, social cues, emotions, accomplishments, failures, and so much more all influence what we choose to allow into the body.

Here's the good news, eating healthier will help the body feel better. More energy, more vitality, better sleep. It almost catapults the desire to move more. Less carb coma and more "let's do this!" It doesn't happen overnight and cravings are REAL. Good coping strategies will help to combat cravings. Some strategies are taking a walk (because science says the craving like an emotion will pass with time) also known as a distraction technique. This can be in the house or around the block, but it helps to focus on something else. Substitute for a healthier version. I use tea because it distracts me while I prepare it and it's zero calories. I use a caffeinated tea mid-morning and a calming tea in the mid-afternoon when my stress levels seem to be high. The downside to that is the staining of my teeth, so I use a whiting toothpaste to help keep them sparkling. Journaling can be a great way to break down what triggers the food craving, to begin with, whether it be emotional, hunger, or hormones. Let's not forget how important sleep is, or the impact of stress. Journaling can help keep track of the amount of sleep, stress triggers, and how that affects the cravings.

I am a problem solver and curious Holistic Coach. Let's explore what a healthy lifestyle can look like for you. Schedule a free 30-minute consult to see if we are a good fit to work together towards creating a healthy lifestyle. Until then, eat well, sleep well, and may the force be with you

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